Douglas Stebila
Please see my research page for more information about my research activities and publications.

PhD (University of Waterloo)
In March 2009, I completed a PhD in the Department of Combinatorics and Optimization at the University of Waterloo. My thesis was entitled Classical Authenticated Key Exchange and Quantum Cryptography. My supervisor was Prof. Michele Mosca. I was a member of the Institute for Quantum Computing and the Centre for Applied Cryptographic Research.
While a PhD student, I received an NSERC Industrial Postgraduate Scholarship (with Sun Microsystems Laboratories), an NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship (Doctoral), a University of Waterloo President’s Graduate Scholarship, and other scholarships from my department.
I completed the Certificate in University Teaching offered by the Centre for Teaching Excellence at the University of Waterloo. As part of the Certificate, I attended workshops, wrote a teaching dossier and research paper, and had teaching sessions observed and evaluated; I have posted more information about my participation in the Certificate.

MSc (University of Oxford)
In September 2004, I completed an MSc in Mathematics and Foundations of Computer Science at the Mathematical Insitute at the University of Oxford, the world’s oldest English-speaking university. While at Oxford, I was a member of Pembroke College. My dissertation was entitled Cryptographic Applications of Graph Theoretic Constructions and was supervised by Prof Dominic Welsh.
BMath (University of Waterloo)
In April 2003, I received an Honours Bachelor of Mathematics Double Combinatorics and Optimization and Computer Science from the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Waterloo.
You can read more about my studies and activites at Waterloo.
Holy Names High School
I went to high school at Holy Names High School in Windsor, Ontario, and graduated at the top of my class in 1998.